Monday, September 16, 2013

A Stylish Conscience - Everlane

It was to my great surprise and good fortune to recently read in the Wall Street Journal about a website called Everlane -- an online fashion house dedicated to designing simple, chic, affordable basics that are produced at top-notch and ethically responsible factories around the world. I think their tag line says it all:

Know your factories. Know your costs.
Always ask why.

From cotton t-shirts to leather totes, Everlane has designed a truly elegant, slightly edgy, and extremely versatile collection (they remind me of the great French company A.P.C.). I could go on and on about their beautiful materials, their modern silhouettes, their versatile color palette, and their amazing mission, but I wouldn't do them justice... 

Wallet. Preview Now.

The only thing I will say is that I'm extremely excited about their new leather wallet collection (leathers sourced in Italy and styles made in Spain), which will launch on September 18th! I love how clean, simple and functional each style is and I am obsessed with their Slim Zip wallet in a burgundy (see above) and dove grey. Though I don't know the price points for this new collection, I believe and hope they will be priced as well as their other products! If so, I have a feeling these gorgeous little leather numbers are going to sell out fast!!!

To learn more about Everlane and their new line of wallets, check out their blog!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Giving Back on the Fourth of July

Earlier this week, we learned about 19 specially-trained fire fighters who perished trying to contain a wildfire in Arizona. These young men (average age 22) from the Granite Mountain Hotshot firefighting crew were considered the elites in their field, but they were  also fathers, brothers, sons, friends, and guardians of their community.

Image from
Granite Mountain Hotshots

So as we celebrate the Fourth of July surrounded by friends, family, fireworks, and food, please consider making a donation to the families of the Granite Mountain Hotshot firemen who died this week. Instead of buying some extra/extraneous supplies for a Fourth of July celebration, illegal (or legal) fireworks, sparkles, another bag of potato chips or a six-pack of beer, etc, please consider using that money to help these grieving families. To find ways to help and honor the fallen Hotshots of the Granite Mountain crew, here are two links:

City of Prescott, AZ Announcement about Granite Mountain Hotshots

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Sublime Time Lapse Video: Norte Argentino by Leandro Perez

While learning how to use Magic Latern's time lapse feature for my camera, I came across this incredibly beautiful video. This was all done on a Canon 450D and a Canon 60D (now on sale) with only three lenses! I've always wanted to visit Argentina, but now I really must go there! Truly awesome landscapes. And with summer almost here, I can think of no better place to get away from the heat, smells, and humidity of a typical NYC summer than a trip to Northern Argentina (it's winter there). Please enjoy this video (and select the full screen view - totally worth it)! Gracias, Leandro Perez!

ENGLISH HERE: Cortometraje que muestra la belleza nunca antes vista del norte argentino. Es imprescindible ver el video a pantalla completa en HD y con auriculares. Desde Aimogasta (La Rioja) hasta Chile, pasando por Tinogasta (Catamarca), durante los últimos 9 meses hice varios viajes recorriendo parte del norte argentino por la RN 60 y tomé más de 50.000 fotos con mi cámara. Este es el resultado. Las tomas nocturnas son reales, pero no se pueden ver a simple vista porque la cámara captura cientos de imágenes con exposiciones de 15 a 30 segundos que luego se unen para formar un video, una técnica que se conoce como time-lapse. * En algunas tomas se pueden ver “manchas” junto a las estrellas, esas son de hecho galaxias enanas con millones de estrellas, sólo visibles desde el hemisferio sur. * La vaca muerta en 01:53 es real. Es una vaca petrificada que está a un costado del camino en Laguna Verde. Murió congelada debido a las bajas temperaturas que hay allá arriba (4350 m.s.n.m.). Antes había otra que estaba totalmente cubierta de sal, pero desapareció. En realidad Laguna Verde está del lado chileno, pero es un lugar tan hermoso que no pude dejarlo afuera :P (es mucho más lindo cuando no está nublado porque el agua se pone turquesa, de ahí el nombre). * El río que aparece en 01:17 y toda esa zona supo ser, hace muchos años, hogar de los Diaguitas. Hoy en día solo quedan las ruinas de lo que fue su civilización. * La “cueva” en 05:19 ya no existe. Volví al mismo lugar después de haber filmado ahí y está todo derrumbado. Algo parecido pasó con la toma de 04:31. * En 03:06 y en 04:38 se ve el Gigante Dormido en el horizonte, un ícono tinogasteño. * Hay cabras en el cerro en 05:08. La noche que estuve filmando las escuchaba a lo lejos, pero no fue hasta que hice el video que las vi. * La secuencia en 02:14 la filmé una noche que había un viento fuertísimo, estaba adentro del auto y sentía cómo éste se movía. Por suerte la secuencia quedó bien. Y del frío mejor ni hablar, la Cordillera tiene uno de los climas más duros del norte, incluso en verano. * La iglesia “Nuestra Señora del Rosario” en 03:18 está completamente hecha de adobe, fue construida en 1712 y enteramente restaurada hace pocos años junto con otras iglesias de la zona. Muchas gracias a todos los que me ayudaron, sobre todo a los que se bancaron varias horas a mi lado esperando que la cámara hiciera su trabajo. Gracias a la gente de Vialidad Provincial por darme un lugar para pasar la noche en Las Grutas. Gracias también a Lucas que me ayudó con la traducción. Lugares de filmación: Aimogasta, Tinogasta, El Puesto, Saujil, Cachiyuyo, San José, La Puntilla, Las Higueritas, Anillaco, La Troya, Fiambalá, Paso de San Francisco (todas en Argentina) y Laguna Verde (Chile). Salvo dos tomas, el resto del video se filmó en el Departamento de Tinogasta, Catamarca. La canción es “Glósóli” de Sigur Rós del álbum Takk... ( Equipo: Canon 60D, Canon 450D, Tokina 11-16, Tamron 17-50, Canon 50mm f/1.8, filtros, Stage Zero de Dynamic Perception. Sobre la experiencia: Actualización 27-11-2012: Hoy quiero compartir con ustedes el honor y la alegría que me produce haber recibido una nota de la Cámara de Diputados de Catamarca en la cual, el pasado 14 de noviembre, declararon de Interés Parlamentario al corto "Norte Argentino" por la calidad y por su aporte a la cultura y al turismo de la Provincia de Catamarca. Nuevamente, ¡muchas gracias a todos los que me apoyaron y me dieron una mano para hacer posible este proyecto! ¡Muchas gracias también a todos los que compartieron el video!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Snapshot from Fashion Avenue

While walking home today, I noticed the man in front of me was wearing an Armani yarmulke.
Who knew Giorgio Armani made yarmulkes???

Monday, May 13, 2013

Quartz Is a Rare News Gem for News Junkies!

Sometimes I think online news is going the way of cable television - lots of outlets/channels, but not a lot of great content.

So, when there is something that catches my attention, I have to praise it. In this case it's the recently launched online business news-zine Quartz. I can't even begin to tell you about all the amazing news and information you can find on the site. And the layout is simple, so simple it's arresting.

How come more stuff isn't flying across my screen? Where are the scrolling headlines? Exclamation points? Sexy headlines? I mean, it's so 90s minimalist, which I actually think is a good thing. The 90s are back en vogue, and I really have missed that stark graphic aesthetic. But besides the superficial, Quartz is really onto something when it comes to telling stories and delivering news.

And what do I love most? They have stories from around the world, and each of them can resonate with an American, European, African, Asian or Latin American audience. For instance, they just posted a story about Africans starting businesses in China, which is absolutely fascinating. Why will it interest you? because "Made in China" proves money is more powerful than race, politics, and social classes. The American dream is now alive and well in China. Now, isn't that something? They also posted a great article discussing Tesla - for the green or greedy (they were more P.C. with their headline)? And since Quartz's bosses own The Atlantic and National Journal, you also get some great stories from those outlets, too. I could go on, but I'd be keeping you from reading some truly interesting stuff. Enjoy!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Who Knew Coding Could Be So Easy & Fun?

Ever wish you could be Lisabeth Salander in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo? Interested in learning how to design your own website or webpage? Or perhaps you're thinking of a new career in Silicon Valley/Alley and joining the digital age...

Well, look no further than Code Academy, an amazing (and free) online coding school. It's fun, easy and not intimidating at all. Doesn't matter if you're not a math whiz or if you consider yourself tech-challenged. Coding is based on logic. It's just a matter of learning a new vocabulary and telling a site what to do. How cool is that? Learn a new language and boss something around! 

I just started taking the interactive classes at Code Academy, and I have to admit that it's fun seeing how a few numbers, letters and symbols turn into images, links and text. Who knows... Maybe once I pass all the classes, I''ll be able to build my own dream sites...

Anyway, if you are ready to add a new skill/language, have fun and become the master of your domain, check out Code Academy!